Penny Wise, Pound Foolish

Many people decide, when faced with the fact that they need a website, to go the inexpensive route. They hire a nephew, the kid who lives down the block, or someone who charges under $100 for a website.

This is a very bad idea in a number of ways. A website should reflect both how you want to be seen online, and that you are ready to do business online. Having a cheap website, or one that cannot handle changes in browsers, detracts from this purpose.

A number of clients have discovered this. By going the less expensive way, they end up having to fork over a lot of money further down the line.

I do not advocate spending more than your business can afford on a website, nor am I suggesting that you need all the newest bells and whistles on your site.You need a site that can withstand the test of time and change that occurs online.

The best way is by having a straightforward website that presents your business in a professional way and that can be changed, if the need arises.

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